People of India
Some of young outside the Elizabeth-Ann home
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Lloyds Sort Code: 30-98-75 Account No: 03418208
or a cheque to:
The Elizabeth-Ann Charity c/o 4 Kingsfield Close,
Bradford-on-Avon BA15 1AW
Thank you - UK Charity No. 1113374
One of the beneficiaries
One of the Beneficiaries


The elders requested that young unskilled women in the village be encouraged to learn sewing. We have recently purchased 11 sewing machines (£52 each), and provided training to about 29 young women to stimulate and develop their skills - the recipients pay half the cost.
Some women who have learned to sew can earn a living by sewing for other villagers and/or selling their work outside. They can earn twice as much as working in the fields. Others save money by sewing for the family rather than paying someone to make clothes etc.